Wrongly Accused: Criminal Defense 101

2 Important Reasons Why Chapter 13 Bankruptcy May Be Right For You

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If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, chances are that you’re going to need to choose between a Chapter 7 and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, the two most common filings for personal bankruptcy (Chapter 11 is another common filing you may have heard of, but it’s usually reserved for businesses.) Choosing the right chapter for your situation is an important factor in ensuring that you get back on the road to financial health.…

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When Neighbors Go Bad: Is It Time To Hire An Attorney?

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Are your neighbors making things miserable for you? Unfortunately, not all neighbor relationships are what you would consider “neighborly.” Sometimes, relations can be friendly for years, and then things change and a minor dispute turns into a major war between you and the people next door, behind you, or across the street. Other times, one particular set of neighbors seems to hate you from the moment you, or they, move in.…

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Prioritizing Debts During Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

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In 2014, the aggregate household debt of Americans was $11.71 trillion with the average household carrying $6,500 in credit card debts. With debts continuing to rise, many Americans are seeking alternative options available to them financially in order to achieve financial freedom. In 2014, there were a total of 619,069 chapter 7 bankruptcy filings. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is perhaps the easiest option. Under chapter 7, applicants can receive a clean financial slate if they are to surrender all of their assets to be paid to debtors.…

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