Wrongly Accused: Criminal Defense 101

Don't Let Dirty Tricks Control Your Divorce: How To Get Ahead Of The Game And Avoid The Tricks

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Divorce is never an easy situation to maneuver. Unfortunately, it can become downright impossible to maneuver when one spouse decides to resort to dirty tricks. If you’re worried that your spouse will take the low-road, and begin using dirty tricks against you, now’s the time to prepare yourself for the rocky road ahead. Here are four tips for overcoming some dirty tricks your spouse might try to use against you:…

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What's New In Real Estate Law - New Laws For 2017

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The great recession of 2008 can be shown to have been primarily caused by carelessness, greed, and loose underwriting within the residential real estate market. Lawmakers have continued to pass new laws intended to more tightly regulate this necessary but potentially volatile market. Each year a number of new laws are passed for the purpose of limiting imprudent or unethical practices within the market, 2017 was not different than other years in that there were some new real estate laws that are of interest to people who live in their homes and people who rent them.…

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Saving Your Relatives From Probate Problems

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As someone who is concentrating on working hard and accumulating wealth that you can pass on to children, a spouse and other relatives, your death may not be a regular topic of thought. You may have completed a lot of insurance documents and feel confident that nothing further should be done, assuming your relatives will all work together to smooth out financial issues when you die. You might not even imagine probate problems could plague loved ones; to ensure that’s not the case, attention to these pointers could save them legal problems and trouble.…

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