Wrongly Accused: Criminal Defense 101

Watch Out For These 4 Reasons Your Worker's Compensation Case Could Be Denied

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If you are getting ready to hire an attorney and file a case with your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance carrier because you were injured on the job, then it is important that you watch out for these four common reasons worker’s compensation cases are denied: Denial Reason#1: The Insurance Company Claims Your Injury Didn’t Happen During the Course of Your Workday In order to be able to file a claim against your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance, your injury must happen during the course of your workday.…

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Own A Business? How An Employment Attorney Can Help You With Employee Problems

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If you own your own business and have employees on your payroll, you never know what will happen. For example, there may be times an employee makes a complaint or does not agree with how you do something. Because employment laws are very difficult to understand and they change quickly, you need to hire an employment attorney in certain situations. Below is some information about this so you will know what to do:…

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Employers and Legalities: Questioning Interview Applicants About Disabilities

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If you are an employer, it is crucial that you know what you are allowed to ask potential job applicants about with regard to disabilities. The following are some guidelines to follow so that you are legally protected: Questions You Are Not Allowed to Ask In addition to restricted questions about disabilities, you are not allowed to ask for a pre-offer medical exam. When interviewing candidates, you cannot ask about whether or not they will need specific accommodations in order to do his or her job.…

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