When you find yourself seriously injured after a car accident, you may wonder if you will be forced to file for bankruptcy. Medical bills are the most common reason for an individual to file for bankruptcy. However, you may be able to win a successful personal injury case and avoid bankruptcy.
The Downsides of Bankruptcy
When you file for bankruptcy, this will remain on your credit score for years. This can have an impact on your ability to obtain credit and can also be searched by other parties such as employers.…
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Whenever a driver faces a driving under the influence charge (DUI charge), they should consult experienced DUI attorneys. A DUI conviction can affect vital aspects of a person’s life, such as their eligibility for future employment opportunities and favorable insurance rates. Furthermore, the legal consequences for a DUI conviction can range from hefty fines, revocation of a driving license and insurance covers and, in aggregated cases, a prison sentence. Thus, individuals arrested for drunken driving should consult competent DUI attorneys to mitigate culpability and avoid getting convicted for a DUI charge, as explained below.…
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There are different laws and regulations constituting car accident law that regulate the resolution of auto accident disputes. Often, many auto accidents end up in court as civil lawsuits such as personal injury and compensation claims between the drivers and their insurance companies. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the number of the parties involved, and the severity of the accident, personal injury claims can be complex. Thus, any party hoping to increase their chances of successful litigation should consult a trained professional who understands the intricacies of car accident law.…
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