Wrongly Accused: Criminal Defense 101

Unofficial Marriage Separations Can Create Some Major Hurdles

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If you find that your flaming marriage has burned itself out, it may be time for you and your spouse to go your separate ways. While the two of you may agree to participate in an unofficial trial separation, you may want to set a time limit on the amount of time you will remain in this state. This is because this decision can come back to haunt you when you finally arrive in divorce court.…

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3 Things to Know About Getting a Secured Credit Card After Bankruptcy

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When you file bankruptcy, you will no longer have access to the credit cards you may have once used to make purchases. While this is a good thing, simply because you will not have the ability to buy things you cannot afford, it can also be frustrating when you need a credit card to use for a purchase. Getting a secured credit card is something you may want to look into after bankruptcy.…

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Prescribed The Wrong Drug: Are You Sacrificing Your Health For Your Doctor's Speaker Fees?

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People put a lot of trust in their doctors. They expect that their physicians will always promote the drugs and treatments that offer the most benefits and the fewest risks. Unfortunately, not all doctors reach their recommendations strictly be analyzing what’s best for their patients – some tend to write out prescriptions for medications that they’re being paid big bucks to promote. Read on to learn how to spot a doc that doesn’t have your best interest in mind, and what to do if you’ve already fallen victim to a less-than-honest medical professional.…

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