Fired For No Good Reason? What To Know About Suing Your Employer For Wrongful Termination
If you have been fired by your employer and there is no reason for your termination, you can file a lawsuit for wrongful termination. This can help you get your job back, if you want, and also help you obtain money to get you through while you have no job. Keep reading to learn more.
Reasons for Wrongful Termination
First you need to know when a company can terminate an employee so you will be sure the reason you were fired will be considered wrongful termination. For example, if you come to work on drugs or while intoxicated, your employer can fire you immediately. If you steal company property or damage company property, you can be terminated.
If another employee says you sexually harassed them, you may be terminated, or if you do not do your job well after repeated attempts to help you.
There are many more reasons that an employer can terminate you with just cause. There are many cases, however, when a person is wrongfully terminated for no good reason.
Wrongful Termination
If you were terminated and have committed none of the above offenses or other offenses, then your employer wrongfully terminated you. It is against the law for any employer to fire an employee because of a disability they may have, because they become pregnant, or because of their religion, race, sexual orientation, national origin, or gender. Your employer also cannot also terminate you due to your age, such as if you are close to retirement age.
The best way to handle this is to hire a wrongful termination attorney. This attorney can investigate to prove that you were wrongfully terminated. Once they gain this proof, they will sue your employer to pay you back all monies lost after you were terminated. This is even true if you have found another job. One lawsuit the attorney can submit is a wrongful discharge lawsuit.
If you try to do this on your own to save money, you could make mistakes that would prevent you from being able to sue your employer. A wrongful termination attorney will take the right steps, serve the right papers, file the correct motions to the court, and more. Your company may obtain their own attorneys, so it is important that you also have an attorney on your side when your case goes to court.
Your wrongful termination attorney can give you much more detailed information about filing this type of lawsuit. The attorney can also tell you of other benefits hiring the attorney will offer you.