Wrongly Accused: Criminal Defense 101

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3 Things You Should Have With You During Your Consultation With A Criminal Defense Attorney

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Have you been accused of committing a crime you know you had nothing to do with? If so, you will need help from a criminal defense attorney. Without the a legal professional’s assistance, you could end up going to jail for a crime you did not even commit due to circumstantial evidence that makes you look bad. There are other people in the United States who have been convicted of crimes they had nothing to do with, causing them to face the consequences of another person’s actions.…

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Prescribed The Wrong Drug: Are You Sacrificing Your Health For Your Doctor's Speaker Fees?

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People put a lot of trust in their doctors. They expect that their physicians will always promote the drugs and treatments that offer the most benefits and the fewest risks. Unfortunately, not all doctors reach their recommendations strictly be analyzing what’s best for their patients – some tend to write out prescriptions for medications that they’re being paid big bucks to promote. Read on to learn how to spot a doc that doesn’t have your best interest in mind, and what to do if you’ve already fallen victim to a less-than-honest medical professional.…

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The 3 Main Roles Of A Bankruptcy Trustee In Chapter 13 Cases

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When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will need to hire a lawyer, but your lawyer is not the person that will be handling most of the case. A bankruptcy trustee will actually handle most of the duties of your bankruptcy, and a trustee is someone that is appointed to you by the bankruptcy court. Your trustee plays a huge role in your case and here are three important things the trustee will do.…

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Can The State Really Take Your Vehicle From You For A DUI?

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When it comes to DUIs, the state’s primary concern is keeping intoxicated drivers off the road and it will use any number of tools at its disposal to achieve that goal. One consequence you may face as a result of a DUI charge or conviction is having your vehicle impounded, confiscated or otherwise rendered unusable. Here’s what you can do to avoid having the state take your car or truck.…

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Battling For Workers Compensation: Should You Settle Or Go To Court?

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If the workers compensation insurance companies deny your claim or give you a counteroffer after an injury, you have two options: settle your case out of court or take it all the way to the judge. Both options have their benefits, and you’ll need the help of a skilled attorney no matter which route you pick. What Are The Benefits Of Settling? Settlements are typically much quicker to resolve than court cases for a number of reasons:…

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